Archive for September, 2013

Update – 21 September 2013

September 21, 2013

Bird of Paradox logoSome little while ago, the server on which was hosted suffered a massive hardware failure; in addition the domain registration has expired.

The most recent version of the BoPnet blog can be found at the Wayback Machine but I have no immediate plans to try and resurrect it. Neither do I have any plans to continue blogging here.

At the time of writing, I’m still contributing to The F-Word and have recently been diversifying into writing music reviews for a couple of other blogs; if you’re interested, I’m archiving copies of the various posts over at stresswitch.

Many thanks to all my friends and supporters over the years; BoP (in both its guises) was a huge part of my life for over 5 years, but now it’s time for me to move on.

Helen xx