News cameras capture beating, undressing and humiliation of trans street worker

March 14, 2009

Via Blabbeando (via this Tweet by @helen_of_boyd), a reminder of this vigilante attack by a neighborhood watch group on a trans street worker in Peru earlier this year.

Apparently, the news report was broadcast on Wednesday, January 28th, so this might have happened earlier in the week. It shows men belonging to two neighborhood watch groups in Tarapoto, Peru, capturing a transgender sex worker and a client for allegedly engaging in sexual acts out in the open. The report says that both were stripped, their hair shorn off, beaten and humiliated, although the report only seems to capture what happened to the transgender woman.

Most chillingly is one of the members of the group, Jutson Alvarado, brings up the recent stabbing of another transgender person in the streets of Tarapoto and seems in approval of that attack. “We definitely have agreed to eradicate this”, he says on camera.

Neighborhood watch: quis custodiet ipsos custodes?